Just a glimpse of me...

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Do you ever feel STUCK? In 2000, I began looking for answers to some tough questions in my life. I'd searched high & low and finally conceded to search the promises found in the Bible. Those promises have sustained & guided me through the loss of a parent, the struggle with anxiety & depression, the loss of a valued relationship and so much more! I've found joy amid the pain. And, I want to share it with you!

16 February 2014

Old People - #JoyDare No.2291

Due to a small book club group for women started in 2012 by a friend at my church, I actually picked up & read Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, in early 2012. I began listing gifts then & am planning to continue for years to come. It's a WONDERFUL way to remind myself of God's tender loving care for & faithfulness to me -- and to all his children! I've always been one to get super excited about the little things from God - seeing a mother deer & her fawns while out walking early in the morning, the way the clouds look on a cold -- but sunny -- winter day, the lighting or angle I was able to catch in a photo, the quiet snoring/breathing of the LOML as he sleeps beside me, new fuzzy socks or slippers, an apple right off my tree, etc. Often times my descriptions make no sense to anyone by me & God. So, I decided to expand upon those thoughts in a few posts. So... for today... 

Old People - #JoyDare No.2291 on 2/9/14
MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY 2-9-29 - You do the math :)

There's so much background you'd need on me for this post to make complete sense that I'm not quite sure how to begin. I've shared bits & pieces about my "thing about age" over the years of blogging. My great-aunt (1903-2000) used to say, "A true lady never reveals her age." Come to find out when dates were published on their cemetery monuments, she was nearly THREE years older than my great-uncle... scandal of scandals!! Well, for me & the LOML, the difference in their ages isn't all that significant.

As my sisters celebrate their real ages, as my mother celebrates her real age, as my children celebrate their real ages and as the LOML (aka the hubby) celebrates his real age, I continue to celebrate my real birthday, October 10th, and not the age. I just pick & choose what age I want to celebrate for each birthday. Perhaps I'll change that... some year.

Our sweet baby girl
who recently celebrated her
first birthday...
celebrating with some of our
favorite OLD PEOPLE :)
Today we celebrated my mom's birthday with FOUR generations. Our youngest member toddled from one "old person" to another giving hugs & kisses. She drew us all together & reminded us of the energy we used to have! It was a celebration of one person's life. It was a celebration of LIFE!

As we gathered to celebrate my mom's birthday, my uncle wanted to make sure I knew he was the OLDEST... 90 years old. His wife (my mom's older sister) let me know that my mom would kid her for the next 2 months about being 3 years older -- until my aunt celebrated her birthday and the difference was only 2 years. With my uncle it almost seemed to be a badge of honor to be the oldest. I wonder if I'll ever be like that OR sitting in an assisted living facility 40 years from now & trying to convince fellow residents that I'm still too young for Social Security! 

The truth is that I'm also OLD in the eyes of many... my nieces in college... the high school kids behind me in church who are probably wondering why I know all the words to every song... the kids I used to babysit when I was in youth group who are now getting married & starting their own families. I'm even OLD in my own eyes at times when I attempt to do a cartwheel or re-enact a cheerleading dance routine with other of my OLD friends :) And, let's not even discuss the person who welcomes me to a new day each morning in the bathroom mirror!

I'm so very thankful for the people in my life who've lived many years. I'm thankful that they've showed me the way & loved me through all my mistakes and poor choices. I'm thankful my children & my daughter's daughter can be a part of their lives too. These old people have stood the test of time. Their examples have been consistent over the years. Their love for their fellow man has been a constant over the changing times. They haven't chosen to just sit around & wait for their heavenly reward. They are still making a difference in the lives of those around them. I'm so blessed with the heritage I have in these people who call themselves OLD. 
"The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old." Proverbs 20:29

My #JoyDare list for Sunday, 2/9/14:
2289. open spaces
2290. messy rooms
2291. old people

Linking with Ann Voskamp - A Holy Experience today...

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