Just a glimpse of me...

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Do you ever feel STUCK? In 2000, I began looking for answers to some tough questions in my life. I'd searched high & low and finally conceded to search the promises found in the Bible. Those promises have sustained & guided me through the loss of a parent, the struggle with anxiety & depression, the loss of a valued relationship and so much more! I've found joy amid the pain. And, I want to share it with you!

08 November 2011

I've Been Held Captive

True Confession:  I've been mesmerized by the harvest of the HUGE cornfield by our property. The field is approximately 1 mile square & took ALL day long to harvest - with ZERO breaks! The farmer started early in the morning on the southeast side (where the sun was already warming the field). He finished up about 9 hours later - crossing a road to do another field. I can still hear his equipment off in a distance. I'm grateful that I was able to watch the farmer today at work. I've been held captive by his hard work!

Although raised in a rather rural community at the base of the Appalachian mountains, I've never really lived out in the country. Living here these past months has awakened a new love in me for the mid west! The beauty is simple - yet profound.

One of my favorite parts about living here has been the
harvest.  I'm sure the farmers get amused at me standing in the "dust of his work" with two cameras in hand - snapping shot after shot.  I love the beauty of it though! 

Harvest always reminds me of how things set aside for us to do - at the appropriate time.  Not everything can be done just when we want to do it.  In the life of someone who proclaims to follow Christ, things need to be done in God's season!  In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus said to his disciples, 
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."

Be willing to be a worker... but, let Him direct the seasons!

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