Just a glimpse of me...

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Do you ever feel STUCK? In 2000, I began looking for answers to some tough questions in my life. I'd searched high & low and finally conceded to search the promises found in the Bible. Those promises have sustained & guided me through the loss of a parent, the struggle with anxiety & depression, the loss of a valued relationship and so much more! I've found joy amid the pain. And, I want to share it with you!

30 December 2015

New Year's Resolutions and Friends You've Never Met

November and December of every year prove to be a blur for me. It's mainly due to so many good things that we celebrate as a family (Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). And, if you know me... I'm using this hashtag all the time on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest... #Family Matters because I hate to mess with quality family time!

With the more demanding schedule, comes an added dose of stress. And, I'm not a fan of stress - having let it have full-rein of my life in my younger days. So, along the way, I've learned that certain things have to be sacrificed for other things to fit into the schedule. Three things on the cutting block (three of my favorite things) have been:
  • writing
  • blogging
  • reading
After being immersed in the blogging world for the month of October through the #write31days challenge started by Myquillyn Smith of The Nesting Place aka the Nester, I seem to go on a painful fast from my blogging and reading world. After writing a daily post for the 31 days of October, I seem to vanish when November hits. I barely maintain my monthly #JoyDare posts -- you know, jotting down three things each day which bring me joy. (Get that full scoop through Ann Voskamp's great book, One Thousand Gifts.) And, I seem to barely be able to post those (in 3 posts for each month). I begin numerous blog post - most of which sit in my file as DRAFTS until things calm down in February.

I started a blog post the other day about the friends I have whom I've never really met face-to-face. It's a draft now. In this dangerous age of the internet, should we really get to be friends with people whom we've never seen?? Regardless of the answer to that question, I feel a bond (in my heart) with several people whom I only know through a social media or blogging presence. Truth be told, some of those "strangers" have proven to be more encouraging, open & honest with me that many of my "real friends". One such friend posted this on Facebook today about the New Year. And, I received his permission to share it. I trust you will enjoy it & that it will be thought provoking to you as it was to me. Take a few moments to read it before you walk into 2016!
A new year is approaching and I ask that we all take a little time to show love to the gifts in our life! 
Those people who instantly make us feel special, inspired, or more important. They light up a room just by walking in. They're a gift, not only to us but to the world around them. Unfortunately, our own Ego’s don’t allow us to show them love they so desperately need. 
If you have one of these special people in your life stop right now and honor them. Let them know that they are prized by you. If you don’t you could lose them and trust me we all need them more than we know. 
If you still can't recognize that person in your life, here are 5 traits of people who are a GIFT to us all:
  • They listen way more than they talk, and they don't practice selective hearing.
  • They give before they receive--and often they never receive, are never self-important…
  • They shine the spotlight on others, not only will people appreciate and praise you, you’ll feel better just having them around to care enough to pay attention to what they're doing.
  • They choose their words. They instinctively, know the words we use impact the attitude of others and they go out of their way to help other people feel better about themselves.
  • They don't discuss the failings of others... But they readily admit their failings.
Also, heads up. Being a gift is pricey, sometimes it keeps them from having the things we take for granted. So, if you see a need in their life that you can fulfill please do. Don't ask them -- just do it. Accepting anything is hard for these people. 
I hope you all have a great new year!Syed

Now, don't you wish you could find some great NEW friends like that for the coming year :)

Many blessings to you & yours. May you leave behind that which would drag you down or keep you from seeing and reaching for the blessings available to you in the coming year! Have a great 2016!


  1. I LOVE this writing and I look forward to the post you have in DRAFT :) you are one of those friends to me that I consider a really good friend and someone I love reading about on your blog and on Facebook .... thank you for being one of those friends and KEEP writing :) because those who truly care will hold your writing close to their hearts :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    1. Thanks so much Karen :) You are definitely a cherished friend - whether I've seen you face-to-face or not. It would be fun to meet someday though - ha ha!

  2. I agree, these last two months seem like a blur! Thank you for sharing your friend's post. Great reminder to be a better friend just as much to appreciate the really special people in our lives. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. What a lovely post! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and new year xx


    1. Thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment Katie. Best wishes for your new year too!
